Grupo VSPT implementa sólido programa de consumo responsable de alcohol

Tuesday September 6th, 2011    

September, 2011.- The VSPT Wine Group is the first Chilean wine conglomerate that is proactively undertaking the promotion of moderate and responsible alcohol consumption, through a program called Educating within the Family, launched this year, giving another step forward in its 360°Sustainable commitment.

This program also has the added value of “starting at home”, because it is aimed at all VSPT collaborators, their spouses and families.

It runs in 5 stages: sensitization, workshops, formation of leaders-monitors, action planning, and carrying out of prevention actions in the communities.

Participants have expressed they are very enthusiastic about the content of these workshops. They highlight the interactive character of this training and emphasize the importance of these kind of activities, which are totally free for them, as they help them to build skills in order to educate their children and raise their responsibility towards alcohol consumption, such a complex topic currently in our country.

The program Educating within the Family is another of the initiatives conforming the VSPT Wine Group’s 360°Sustainable plan and shows once again, this group’s constant preoccupation in order to contribute to a better, healthier and more sustainable life, helping to form individuals with reflexive skills and social conscience.