A report presented at COP27 lists VSPT among the best Chilean companies in terms of GHG emissions management

Friday November 25th, 2022    

In their 2022 In-Depth Report on Corporate Vulnerability to Climate Change for the 100 Largest Companies in Chile, Deloitte and SCX (Santiago Climate Exchange) recognized VSPT as one of the top-five Chilean companies in terms of progress on measuring and reducing its carbon footprint and thereby contributing to the mitigation of greenhouse gas (GHG) emissions.

The report, presented at Chile’s COP27 pavilion, assessed Chile’s 100 largest companies on four dimensions: emissions measurement and comprehensive verification, commitment to ambitious mitigation, actual emissions reduction and acceleration via neutralization.

It highlighted VSPT’s great work on a climate strategy that includes an ambitious target for reducing its carbon footprint by 2050. The strategy involves a complete measurement and effectively cutting emissions at the aggregate and unitary levels.

Furthermore, the report praised the development of a carbon-neutral product line, the renewable energy supply and VSPT’s partnering with suppliers to reduce emissions, particularly in the packaging segment.
This recognition reflects VSPT’s exhaustive efforts on sustainability, which are part of a sound strategy that prioritizes sustainable, innovative growth and managing the winemaking industry’s impact.